Artical # 1

The World Cup and the Bhutanese community

Once every four years, the world’s biggest sporting event is held. The World Cup is significant in the sense that it unifies nations and people from all around the world. Football, or soccer as it is known here in the United States, is popular primarily due to its accessibility and “pick up and play” nature. This is especially evident in the Bhutanese community, where many cannot afford the luxury of playing sports such as cricket because of its requirement of different kinds of equipment.

Soccer holds a special place in the hearts of the Bhutanese. It gives them a sense of freedom unlike any other. Not having much as a source of entertainment, soccer is the one thing that provides them with massive amounts of fun. All you really need is a circular object of some sort, and a group of friends willing to join in on the action. It is a simple yet elegant recipe that undoubtedly leads to a great time.

The World Cup does a fantastic job in bringing the Bhutanese people together. Friends and families come jointly just to watch their favorite teams compete, and the event is so contagious that discussion about it extends even after the games are over. I can say from personal experience that watching a soccer game with a large crowd makes it much more fun and interesting. In addition, the unique aspect of soccer (particularly the rule of no technology being allowed) leads to some very controversial actions that the community will have mixed feelings about. It is only natural that debates will arise. Some will support the call, while others will go against it. The most recent controversy that has sparked much debate is without question the actions of Uruguayan superstar Luis Suarez, who purposely committed an illegal foul by using his hands to stop a goal from going in. I have heard many defend his actions by saying that it was only instinctive that he use his hands, given that he was in position to stop it and also taking into account the magnitude of the game. Others have said that it is cheating regardless, and the reason why he did it shouldn’t even be regarded. Some have even said that Suarez deserves to be banned for the rest of the tournament.

In the end, it really doesn’t matter. Not to the Bhutanese anyways. Because when all is said and done, the World Cup has done for them what it exactly set out to do: bring them together. I would even be willing to bet that if two people that held different opinions during the tournament were asked regarding a controversy, they will have one similar detail after. They would both agree that the controversy made the game much more interesting and added to its entertainment value.

- Divyash Chhetri

USA (Phoenix, Arizona)

Anonymous –   – (July 12, 2010 at 5:21 PM)  

I really disagree with one statement in the paragraphs.How can you proved that the" world cup does a fantastic job in bringing the bhutanese people together:.In my opinion,I think world cup did not bring bhutanese people together.the history said that world cup was founded in 1930.just imagine different between world cup and the bhutanese community.

Raju  – (July 13, 2010 at 6:06 AM)  

Nope U R wrong coz u know we can understand that worldcup brought a relation like we can be 2gether 2 watch worldcup so we have fun 2gether by watching 2gether bring bhutanese 2gether and u know that bhutanese doesnt have TV in all huts so...thats what it happens.. This Is My Opioin (Raju from Australia)

Anonymous –   – (July 13, 2010 at 5:18 PM)  

Let me asked you one stupid question.Why world cup did not bring the relation before 10 years when people were trouble.why world did not bring the relation when our youth struggling go back to bhutan.I dont know who you are but i want you to think back once again.i want you to think metacogination.

Bhuwan  – (July 15, 2010 at 8:19 PM)  

Hey fool it dosnt mean that the world cup brought 2gether As I guess it means to say worldcup brings frens bhutanese like frens together and watch. Like they enjoyed 2gether.

Anonymous –   – (July 25, 2010 at 7:56 AM)  

Hey Bhuwan,It is good that you passed your opinion as everyone does when they feel like.It would build the credibility of your writing if you did mind your words.I don't know you personally, but I would like to suggest you to be fair commentator(no fool).What ever you write reflects your own character and personality.

Bhuwan  – (February 1, 2012 at 11:47 AM)  

Stop talking like khate... u anonymous

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