फेसबुकले रुवायो
कलाकार दीपकराज गिरी अचेल दुःखी छन् । 'तीतो सत्य' मार्फत दर्शक हँसाइरहेका सानो पर्दाका यी नायकलाई के कुराले दुःखी बनाएछ त ? साप्ताहिकको जिज्ञासामा उनले अल्छी मान्दै भने — 'फेसबुकले ।' विश्वभर सञ्जाल फैलिएको सोसियल नेटवर्किङ साइटले दीपकलाई कसरी दुःखी बनाउन सक्छ ? दीपक भन्छन्— 'मलाई दुःखी मात्र होइन, धरधरी रुवाएको छ ।' भएछ के भने दीपकराज गिरीकै नाम राखेर कसैले फेसबुक एकाउन्ट खोलिदिएछ । एकाउन्ट खोलेको केही समयमै उनको भनिएको प्रोफाइलमा देश-विदेशबाट साथी तथा प्रशंसकहरूको ओइरो लागेछ । 'केही साथीले विदेशबाट फोन गरेर कार्यक्रममा सहभागिताका लागि फेसबुकमार्फत गरेको निमन्त्रणालाई किन अस्वीकार गरेको ?' भनेपछि पो म छक्क परें । 'मैले फेसबुक एकाउन्ट खोलेकै छैन,' दीपक भन्छन्— 'नखाएको विष लाग्ने भो भन्ने कुराले चिन्ता बढेको छ ।' दीपकको मात्र होइन, रेखा थापा, निरुता सिंह आदि थुप्रै कलाकारका नक्कली फेसबुक एकाउन्ट सञ्चालनमा छन् । From: Saptahik
O that's too bad.
thats me
i understand your problem man
haha that's me.
wow really, it is solely bad. hay so called human beings, it is too illegal to open account on other's name. do erase or correct n make free from nu-necessary tension.
That too bad for us too
o my god i think that person might be Bhutanese refugee people. because they got free internate in america so think that is saome people from bhutanesee.
what the hell ur talking abt. bhutanese ha?? Dont put that blame on bhutanese.. Only bhutanese are not in USA and other countries.. there are lots of nepalese citizens also.. and one thing bhutanese dose not have free internet they have to pay for that.. fool
yaa they might be bhutanese refugee... more then 30,000 bhutanese are in different seven countrys so, i guess they are bhutanese they used to do illigal things when they were in nepal..